<< MP3 Tangerine Dream – The Bootleg Box Set Vol. 1
Tangerine Dream – The Bootleg Box Set Vol. 1
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 10 months
Size 901.86 MB
Website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeKtPRItmq8
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Although this is an official Tangerine Dream release, the music you hear on "Bootleg Box Set" originated from a non-profit CD-R trade project called "Tangerine Tree" which I started about two years ago. Back then I never ever thought that these recordings would be released officially and listened to by maybe a few thousand TD fans (the first volume of the Tangerine Tree -consisting of 10 cdr's, incl. the B-Box concerts of Sheffield 74, Croydon 75, Bilbao 76 & Berlin 76 - were distributed to maybe only 250 members of the Tangerine Dream mailing list at Yahoogroups worldwide) It was just an attempt to distribute great unreleased TD recordings in the best possible sound quality.
The original Bootleg Box Set recordings were for the most part remastered audience recordings (hence the word 'bootleg', since taping and distributing such releases is not legal...but our project got tolerated by Tangerine Dream, and Edgar Froese received his 'Tree' sets for free...of course ;-)
Regarding the sound quality of these shows: except maybe for Berlin 1976 (which would have sounded better if I had used Dolby B while converting the music from tape onto CDR) the sound quality is as good as it possibly can get. Sheffield 74, Berlin 76 & Bilbao 76 are all master tape copies, Croydon 75 is from the master tape, and London 75 is a direct transfer straight from the original BBC master recording.

Tracklisting CD1:
1-1 Sheffield, City Hall, October 29th 1974 43:51

Tracklisting CD2:
2-1 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 1 14:20
2-2 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 2 4:42
2-3 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 3 16:53
2-4 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 4 14:11
2-5 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 5 18:43

Tracklisting CD3:
3-1 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 6 10:59
3-2 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 7 7:15
3-3 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 8 21:42
3-4 London, Royal Albert Hall, April 2nd 1975, Pt. 9 13:50

Tracklisting CD4:
4-1 Croydon, Fairfield Halls, October 23rd 1975, Pt. 1 20:35
4-2 Croydon, Fairfield Halls, October 23rd 1975, Pt. 2 30:15
4-3 Croydon, Fairfield Halls, October 23rd 1975, Pt. 3 10:52

Tracklisting CD5:
5-1 Bilbao, Pabellion De La Casilla, January 31st 1976, Pt. 1 44:26

Tracklisting CD6:
6-1 Bilbao, Pabellion De La Casilla,January 31st 1976, Pt. 2 43:00
6-2 Bilbao, Pabellion De La Casilla, January 31st 1976, Pt. 3 17:13
6-3 Bilbao, Pabellion De La Casilla, January 31st 1976, Pt. 4 9:41

Tracklisting CD7:
7-1 Berlin, Electronic Rock At The Philharmonics, June 27th 1976 31:24

Extra Informatie:
Aantal Discs: 7xCD
Genre: Rock
Format: MP3 @ 320kbit
Year of Release: 2003
Speelduur: 374 minuten
Cover: Front en Back zijn in de RARs verwerkt

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