<< DVD5 For King & Country (2 van 3)
For King & Country (2 van 3)
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Post Description

For King & Country, Canada at War; WW2:
Join military historian Norm Christie as he travels to Canadian battlefields, monuments and cemeteries throughout the world to guide viewers through the Second World War from the point of view of ordinary soldiers, who tell their stories in their own words.

Delen op deze DVD5 (met keuzemenu):

3: Italy: The Forgotten Army 1
In July 1943, Canadian ground troops finally get their chance to fight as 25,000 of them storm ashore in torrid summer heat on the southeastern beaches of Sicily. The Allied commanders thought Sicily and Italy would be easy; Adolf Hitler decides otherwise. Norm takes us to the beaches of Sicily where the 25,000 Canadian soldiers land and from Messina to Ortona, from Monte Cassino to Rome and to Rimini, Norm follows the Canadians as they battle their way north, in what becomes "the forgotten campaign".
4: Italy: The Forgotten Army 2
By December of 1943, Canadian forces in Italy had helped topple Mussolini"s Fascist Regime, liberated dozens of Italian towns, and immobilized some of Nazi Germany"s best troops. With the Canadians at the gates of Ortona it appeared likely the Germans would abandon the town.

Tijd per deel ca. 45 min. taal Engels, NIET ondertiteld.
Voor de verzamelaar.

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