<< WIN Once upon a Time -NL
Once upon a Time -NL
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Once+upon+a+Time+-++NL
Sender RuudRi
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Once upon a Time | 143 MB

New HOG, translated from Russian with an electronic dictionary.
The names of the hidden objects have been checked, of course.

Tom Rodgers was aspiring FBI special agent. But the events of one day dashed his hopes of promotion. Having an operation to capture the robbers, Tom did not suspect that among the arrested attackers were the nephew of the mayor and two congressmen. Journalists have made of this incident caused a sensation. And now chief Tom offers a choice of two ways &#150; to wait out the scandal left the city, or say goodbye to work.
So the enterprising and desperate agent is on a small farm in Arizona. He has one task &#150; to investigate the theft of fodder. It would seem that nothing dangerous is it does not pose a. But the more Tom moves in its investigation, the more serious turn it takes.

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