Post Description
This album was my first collaboration with Hossam Ramzy, who made possible a style of music I had imagined for many years!
During the recording of this album Hossam was also on a major world tour with 'Page and Plant' (Led Zeppelin). While he was taking a break in Egypt he was able to record some quarter tone accordion and kawala flute for the album, both of which are very distinctive Egyptian sounds. This material ended up being used on tracks 4, 5 and 6.
Track 1 was developed from a 'Mandragora' jam session and is one of my personal favourites.
I had first heard of Hossam back in 1989 through his work on Peter Gabriel's album 'Passion' and track 2 takes a certain amount of its inspiration from the ancient 'Zaar' trance rhythm featured on 'Passion'.
Towards the end of the album the style starts to head more towards modern Egyptian music which in retrospect was a taste of things to come with the next album 'Immortal Egypt'.
Isis Unveiled (7:46)
The Land Of The Pharaohs - zaar rhythm (9:16)
Through The Ankh - masmoudi rhythm (7:34)
Shimmers In The Sand (11:24)
Desert Rhythm - fallahi rhythm (6:45)
The Cobra's Dance - fallahi rhythm (7:53)
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- Vragen naar bedankjes doe ik niet, immers echte dankbare mensen doen dit al vanuit zichzelf.
Enjoy the feeling
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