<< HD-DVD Bangbus HD: Hooking Up Buddy! (03-11-2010)
Bangbus HD: Hooking Up Buddy! (03-11-2010)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://bangbus.com/t3/pps=comein/porn-videos/hooking-up-buddy_bb7399.html
Sender rolo123
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Post Description

Title: Hooking Up Buddy! (HD)
Added: wo, november 3, 2010

Update summary:

In this weeks bangbus we go ahead and try to hook the homie BUDDY i mean with that name how can you not? right lol i kid..anyway were out doing what we do and we go to the malls and man the shits packed with people and some hot mamas up in there as well..so what the hell i start doing my thing and girl caught our attention so we go ahead and we run game on her and just offered her some cash to hang out with us..so in she comes with us and she's digging the homie BUDDY so u know what im gonna ask and try to make her do right? lol ofcourse and let me tell you that you guys will enjoy this update hyst as much as i did..and KUDOS to the homie BUDDY for taking care of BIDNESS!!!STAY TUNED!!

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