<< WIN Eric Escobars Indie Film II Guru Presets
Eric Escobars Indie Film II Guru Presets
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 313 KB
Website http://www.redgiantsoftware.com/products/all/indie-film-ii/
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Indie Film II Guru Presets

25 Fresh Film Treatments for Storytelling with Magic Bullet Looks 2

Hot on the release heels of Magic Bullet Suite 11 and Looks 2 comes the newest Guru Preset Pack to harness Magic Bullet creativity and power for you. Filmmaker Eric Escobar has redesigned his popular Indie Film II for Looks 2 as an all-new set of film treatments using the evocative color tools in Magic Bullet Looks 2.

Indie Film II looks are designed to give the independent imagemaker a fresh, contemporary stylization for cinematic storytelling. Inspired by the recent visual trend of heavy post-processing, Indie Film II reflects both the melancholy sweetness and darker edges in independent film and television, from Dragon Tattoo to Deadwood and from Sundance to Cannes.

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