<< DivX Roswell, The UFO Coverup & Time Travel"The Legacy of Colonel Philip J Corso
Roswell, The UFO Coverup & Time Travel"The Legacy of Colonel Philip J Corso
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The Legacy of Colonel Philip J. Corso

by admin on Nov.29, 2009, under UFO phenomenon

THE LEGACY OF COLONEL PHILIP J. CORSO: , with Philip Corso, Jr. and Dr. William Birnes. One of the most vital milestones since the disclosure process started in earnest after the dissolution of the Soviet empire in 1991 was the publishing in 1997 of The Day After Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso with William Birnes (also a speaker). The allegations in this book rocked the foundations of the cover-up. To this day the neither the Army nor the Department of Defense nor any agency of government has formally responded to these allegations. The Washington Post would not even dare write an obituary for this noted Washington insider rather than mention the book. If you plot to attend this conference, it is recommended you read The Day After Roswell in advance. The life tale of Col. Corso, who died on July 16, 1998 at 83, is extraordinary. Col. Corso was a decorated officer and a patriot who believed the public should know the truth about the extraterrestrial reality. His son shares this belief and is determined to defend his father&#146;s legacy. Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce Philip Corso, Jr. will come to Washington to talk about his father and the family&#146;s experience in the aftermath of one of the most controversial books ever published. In his lecture and workshop he will present information never before revealed to the public. The tale of Col. Philip J. Corso is not over. It has only just begun

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