<< WinPh Android - Apps - 2.1 rips
Android - Apps - 2.1 rips
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://droid-life.com/2010/01/current-list-of-nexus-one-21-apps.html
Sender CLB
Tag CLB        
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Android - Apps - 2.1 apps bevat:
Een zestal apps die uit de Nexus One die 2.1 draait zijn gesloopt.

Deze zijn zeer waarschijnlijk alleen te installeren op de Motorola Milestone die momenteel geupdatet is naar 2.0.1

Deze zes apps zijn:
- DeskClock
A fun app which can replace your current docking app and also act as a stand-alone for those without docks. works great with flan gallery and genie weather.

- Gallery Flan
An incredible upgrade from the gallery on our 2.0.1 devices. "flick" features are everywhere, sharing is nicer, and even has slideshow capabilities when working with multimedia dock.

- Gallery Flan met multitouch
same as the previous gallery but includes multi-touch or pinch-to-zoom. also has much quicker load times for photos.

- Genie News and Weather Widget
Customizable news in a reader style format plus weather. 3 widget options available with certain versions working nicely with the new 2.1 clock app.

- Launcher
The app we all were hoping worked flawlessly, but unfortunately doesn't completely deliver. gives you 5 screens, a new launcher, quick buttons and card style shortcuts. too bad for landscape bugs and intermittent crashes.
Zitten nog wat bugs in, maar om even te checken / pimpen, heel tof!

- Music
needs to be installed on your 2.0.1 device. this music upgrade, although not groundbreaking, adds some minor features which makes music playing so much nicer.

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