<< MP3 Solar Project - World Games
Solar Project - World Games
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Post Description

Solar Project - World Games

Studio Album, released in 1992

Songs / Tracks Listing
1. The Voice (4:27)
2. World Games (3:12)
3. First Scene (0:44)
4. Monanarchy Part I (1:46)
5. Monanarchy Part II (6:00)
6. Monanarchy Part III (6:49)
7. Second Scene (0:10)
8. Mr. C (4:47)
9. Third Scene (0:26)
10. Gat the Democrat (4:50)
11. Fourth Scene (0:10)
12. The Church Part I (2:44)
13. The Church Part II (5:31)
14. Fifth Scene (0:11)
15. Gat Reprise (2:56)
16. a)Resume (4:58)
b) 10 minutes music of the spheres (or fears?) to find yourself
c) 10 minutes of silence to think about the meaning of life
d) the final sequence: the musical trash

Line-up / Musicians
- Stefan Mageney / vocals
- Anja Kiechle / vocals
- Markus Baumann / vocals, guitars
- Christian Razborsek / vocals, guitars
- Peter Weinstock / vocals
- Tim Isfort / basses
- Volker Janacek / drums, voices
- Robert Valet / keyboards, voices, acoustic guitar
- Peter Terhoeven / guitars, voices
- Denis Schülling / percussion
- Holger Müller / Hammond organ
- Tisso Thul / harp

Wordt vandaag gespot.
Dit is mijn laatste Solar Project, mocht iemand nog aanvullingen hebben, graag........................!!!

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