<< WIN Adobe Edge Animate CC 2015
Adobe Edge Animate CC 2015
Category Applications
Date 9 years, 8 months
Size 167.9 MB
Spotted with cmdspot/1.1.2 b0101024315
Website https://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/the-2015-release-of-adobe-creative-cloud-is-here/
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De titel zegt genoeg, heb geen zin elk Adobe pakket los te spotten.
Lees de txt info file goed door voor informatie over hoe te installeren.

Volg de volgende stappen , of installeer het als trial, en gebruik dan adobe.snr.patch-painter om het zooitje te patchen.

Disable Internet.
Run the installer in the installation program to select "I have a serial number"
Run the crack, keygen generate and insert in the "Serial number." Keygen do not close before the end of the activation!
Install the program.
Run the program, accept the license agreement.
Next: Can not connect to the Internet? > offline activation > Generate request code
Request code to insert in the "Request" keygens and click "Generate"
Copy the code from the "Activation" keygens and paste in the "response code" of the program.
Click "Activate"
Start Notepad as an administrator and enter the hosts file in C: \ Windows \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts line:
Activate.adobe.com practivate.adobe.com
lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com lm.licenses.adobe.com
Install the update, restart the computer (if required).

Including the Internet.

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