<< WIN 1 Penguin 100 Cases (FINAL)
1 Penguin 100 Cases (FINAL)
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://google.nl/
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Post Description

1 Penguin 100 Cases (FINAL) 

One very determined penguin hatches in the Arctic, and thus kicks off the adventure of
1 Penguin 100 Cases.
Journey with Pengoo inside a fishing net to New Zealand, and stick with him as he struggles
to find his way back home.
Surprises are in store as Pengoo befriends colorful characters and mystical creatures,
each with their own predicaments.
Solve creative puzzles, such as fixing a peacock's tail and uncover,
hidden objects in over 90 levels of play!

Engelse versie:
Hidden objects.

Met dank aan
nagwmare post.

Succes ermee.

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