<< DivX Amateur Night 2016 HDRip XViD UK-Subs
Amateur Night 2016 HDRip XViD UK-Subs
Category Image
LanguageEnglish subtitles (external)
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 8 years, 7 months
Size 764.69 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4265508/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl
Sender PietVerdriet (bJpeMg)                
Tag PietVerdriet        
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Post Description


Guy Carter is an award-winning graduate student of architecture. He's got a beautiful wife and a baby on the way. The problem? He doesn't have "his ducks in a row,"
which only fuels his doubts about being a good father. Guy has been trying to find work in his field for a year with no luck.
At wit's end, his wife Anne finds him a job as a 'driver' on Craigslist. Guy shows up for the interview thinking he'll be delivering pizzas, but quickly realizes it's a job driving prostitutes.
With money too scarce to turn down, he goes for it- which is where he meets Nikki, the tough-as-nails, unapologetic sex worker, and her two hilarious and foul-mouthed cohorts, Jaxi and Fallon.
As reluctant driver and protector Guy is thrust into a world of rockin' women and feeble men. Over the course of one wild and sordid night, and several 'come-to-Jesus' moments, Guy proves to Nikki,
and himself, that he does have what it takes to be the responsible father his family deserves.

Met dank aan http://extratorrent.cc/ waar ik deze vandaan heb geplukt!

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Give2me met fake naam PietVerdriet (2) en ID | h18Afg) heeft gemeend "mij" m'n excuses aan hemzelf te laten aanbieden. Dan moet er toch echt wel een steekje los bij je zitten.... wat een zielepietje.
Ik ben ook al gewaarschuwd voor Harper want hij zou bij een niet nader genoemde 'belangrijke partij' connecties hebben, nou mensen daar geil ik alleen maar op, ik zou zeggen kom maar op Harpertje,
elke dag van de week lust ik er wel eentje zoals jij Harpertje en twee op zondag!

Gepost door: PietVerdriet | bJpeMg 12-08-2016 20:11 uur

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