<< MP3 Vangelis - Chariots Of Fire (OFF World Music) [Bootleg]
Vangelis - Chariots Of Fire (OFF World Music) [Bootleg]
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 115.45 MB
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Post Description

Vangelis - Chariots Of Fire  (OFF World Music)   [Bootleg]

Chariots Of Fire
Label : OWM 2000
Type : Private Release Interest :
Support : CDR with Sticker Sound Quality :
Limited To : 100 Rarity :

Opening 3:08
200 Yards 1:02
Run In God's name* 1:02
Off Their Feet 3:49
Church* 0:18
In This Time 2:28
He Remains An Englishman* 1:32
The Bravest Victory 1:48
Olympic trials 1:41
I Run To Win 2:46
training 1:46
Feeling God's pleasure 2:44
Prepare To Go 0:13
Sailing To France 4:27
Little Song* 1:08
The Yanks Arrive 2:05
Five Circles 5:21
Lindsay's Heat 2:15
Sunday Heats 1:03
Lindsay's Solution 0:25
Marks For The Run 1:07
100 Meters 2:09
Abrahams 3:05
Eric's 400 Meters 4:18
Jerusalem 2:42
End Credits 3:34

Original Music Composed and Performed by Vangelis
Except tracks*
Limited edition release and is not licensed for public sale. Made in EEC

"Like with a few OWM releases, such as Antarctica and 1492, thisChariots of Fire release is really augmented by the mixture of all theofficial tracks along with unofficial music taken from the Chariots ofFire video/DVD. OWM releases such as The Plague, Francesco and Missingdon't have this luxury.

While the tracks taken from the official release are familiar, thereare some beautiful themes from the video/DVD, which are quite nice andnicely edited with good sound. Examples of this are "200 Yards,""Olympic Trials," "Training,""Sunday Heats,""The Yanks Arrive," and"Lindsay's Solution." The track "200 yards," is a curious variationon the well-known "Hymne"off Opera Sauvage. The only suspicious tracksare four non-Vangelis tunes, such as "He Remains and Englishman." Whilerelevant to the film, they aren't necessarily relevant to a Vangelisalbum, nor part of the original score. In sum, this is a veryaccessible and well-constructed OWM release, which should be in yourcollection."

Reviewed by Sebastian

Voor de liefhebbers/verzamelaars van space/synthesizer/ambient/chillout/(oldskool)electronic music
Volgens mij is ook deze bootleg nog niet eerder aangemeld.

Groet Nachtuil!!!

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