<< MP3 VA-Hardtechno.Lt - 1825 Days (2011)
VA-Hardtechno.Lt - 1825 Days (2011)
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 376.61 MB
Website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE1jjM3TzB8&feature=related
Sender Technostampertje (Uc01Vw)                
Tag TechnoTEAM        
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Post Description

De titel verraad het gehalte; heerlijk Hardcore Techno pompen, wie mee bangt have fun!
Namens mijzelf en ons TechnoTeam!

[B]Xtra Nfo[/B] :

Artist: VA
Title: Hardtechno LT (1825 Days) 2011
Date of Realise: 2011
Genre: Hardtechno
Total Tracks: 22
Format: mp3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 302 MB


1. Concrete DJz - Overtaken, Serbia
2. i1 ambivalent - Absence And Will, Croatia
3. Andreas Florin - Samba Inferno, Germany
4. Rusk - Vietcong, Lithuania
5. Darkside9878 & HardtraX - Infinite Devil Machine, USA/Germany
6. DJ OGI - Bunar, Croatia
7. Motormorfoses - Anarchy Rhythm, Brazil
8. Voight Kampff - Decadence & Decline, Spain
9. Evilspot - Invasion, Lithuania
10. 6Head_slug - Forgotten Not Forgiven, Australia
11. DJ Ocram - Hektisch Uebern Ecktisch, Germany
12. DJ Scale Ripper - Pushing Bounderys, Spain
13. HardtraX - Corestep Part 3, Germany
14. Mental Crush - Domestic Disturbance, Poland
15. Theo Jahlion - You Don't Have Nothing, Colombia
16. KillBrothers - Acid Rain, Poland
17. Blurix - Bullet Dodger, Croatia
18. Noizbar - Pretending To Be Human (Angel Version), United Kingdom
19. K-Hole - The Electronic Brain, Japan
20. Mother Mary - Lkstngll, Lithuania
21. Formaldehyde - Mechanical Clock, Australia
22. Meinheld - Abduction, Lithuania


Groeten Joeri, voel me niet puik dus trek qua spots de stekker er heel even uit voor vandaag, more 2 come en tot die tijd veel plezier van de spots en de mixen van onze Dj's, peace!***

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