<< Wii My Animal Centre (2008) Pal
My Animal Centre (2008) Pal
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Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 4.92 GB
Website http://www.amazon.co.uk/Deep-Silver-Animal-Centre-Wii/dp/B001IDYNI8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;s=videogames&amp;qid=1229008073&amp;sr=8-1
Sender Bomberman
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Product Features

* More than 30 mini games with high score and reward system
* Diagnosis and therapy as mini game with Wii Remote and Nunchuk
* Interaction with the animals: stroking, playing, cleaning and feeding as mini games
* Free camera mode
* Vet with SIMS typical needs (hunger, tiredness, exercise, leisure) which can be satisfied with playing mini games.
* 4 different user profiles
* Extensive knowledge base
* Wii typical interface with target group specific Look & Feel.

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