<< NAV TomTom Maps of Europe Truck 940 5999 Retail-NAViGON
TomTom Maps of Europe Truck 940 5999 Retail-NAViGON
Category Applications
PlatformNavigation systems
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 2 months
Size 2.99 GB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=TomTom+Maps+of+Europe+Truck+940+5999+Retail-NAViGON
Sender ThePingPong (za5BFw)                
Tag PingPong        
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Post Description

█             TomTom.Maps.of.Europe.Truck.940.5999.Retail-NAViGON
█▓ . .. ... PRODUCT iNFO ... .. .
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▌ ▌ ▐
▌ When planning a route for a large vehicle such as a truck or a ▐
▌ bus, TomTom Truck Navigation helps you to avoid potential hazards ▐
▌ and obstacles such as low bridges, narrow streets or sharp road ▐
▌ turns. To calculate the best route possible for a large sized ▐
▌ vehicle, Truck Navigation considers information from a ▐
▌ configurable, vehicle-specific profile and truck-specific map ▐
▌ data. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Truck specific routing accounts for: ▐
▌ ▐
▌ - The lower speeds of trucks on all roads ▐
▌ - Sharp angles that are difficult for trucks to take ▐
▌ - Trucks preferring left turns over right turns ▐
▌ - IQ Routes« to calculate the fastest route for any time of a day ▐
▌ and week ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Safety can be increased by the prevention of unnecessary driving ▐
▌ manouevres, especially with large vehicles such as trucks. TomTom ▐
▌ Truck Navigation therefore displays restriction warnings on the ▐
▌ navigation screen if you are driving without routeing ▐
▌ instructions or if you are disregarding routeing instructions, ▐
▌ based on the truck profile that is configured on the navigation ▐
▌ device. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Countries fully covered (99.9%): ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Andorra, Austria, Azores & Madeira, Belgium, Croatia, ▐
▌ Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, ▐
▌ Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, ▐
▌ Hungary, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, ▐
▌ San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, ▐
▌ the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, ▐
▌ the Canary Islands and the Vatican City ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Countries partially covered: ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine ▐ ▐

▌ USE this meta ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ; Europe_TRUCK_940_5999 ▐
▌ F3 16 3B 13 E1 E2 CE A2 F2 CB 5C FC 0B B8 A8 9F ▐
▌ Europe_TRUCK-100213.meta ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ; Europe_TRUCK_940_5999 ▐
▌ CC 3B 62 B7 6D CA A4 B8 59 67 EE 6B 94 4E 88 47 ▐
▌ Europe_TRUCK-100213.tmeta ▐
▌ ▐ ▐

Ik Spots slechts en Upload niks alle eer is voor de uploader!

Mis je de eerste 9 bestanden of krijg je vreemde bestanden en je weet niet wat je er mee moet?
1) Dit komt omdat je SABnzbd niet is geupdate in Spotnet zie http://www.nzbusenet.com/spotnet-updaten/ voor de update.
2) Grabit en Newsleecher kunnen hier vaak ook niet goed mee overweg. Ik raad je echt aan om SABnzbd te gebruiken. Je kan het ook handmatig doen. Dit doe je door eerst de laaste QuickPar te draaien en vervolgens met de laaste winrar uit te pakken en soms heb je 7Zip nodig. Het kan zijn dat QuickPar niet alles hernoemd dan zal je dat handmatig moeten doen.

Wees lief voor elkaar en hou het netjes.
Mijn ID is ThePingPong (za5BFw) zie je een ander ID dan ben ik het niet!

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