<< MP3 Phil Thornton - 30 Albums
Phil Thornton - 30 Albums
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 3.3 GB
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A keen sorcerer of sonic visions, Phil Thornton has written and produced over 30 solo albums - with world wide sales of over 2 million - since beginning his musical odyssey in the early '80s with the group 'Expandis' (a unique artists collective best known for their innovative use of electronic sound).

Phil's first two ambient albums 'Cloud Sculpting' and 'Edge Of Dreams' both topped the 'New Musical Express' New Age chart and are now widely acclaimed as classics of their genre.

Previously commissioned to collaborate on the concept album 'First Quest' for the highly successful game 'Dungeons & Dragons' and to compose music for an esoteric art event at St. James's in Piccadilly, London, widely regarded as an early turning point in the development of 'new age' ideas.

His arrangements often feature a mix of ethnic and modern instruments, which has led him into collaborations with leading 'world' musicians to create a diverse and hypnotic blend of atmospheric compositions. Phil's 1999 collaboration with Hossam Ramzy, 'Immortal Egypt', won 1st place in the annual 'New Age Voice' magazine awards in the USA.

As a live performer Phil has appeared on regional and national television in England, Europe and South America, The Findhorn Foundations Universal Hall in Scotland, the Purcell Rooms on the South Bank and St. James's Church in Piccadilly, London. Seminars in Rome, Amsterdam, Paris, Guadalajara and Sao Paulo and concert tours of Brazil and Mexico as well as many 'Greenpeace' and 'Friends of The Earth' festivals in Great Britain.

He has also given many interviews/performances for radio shows world wide including 'echoes', 'K.T.W.V.' and 'Hearts of Space' in the U.S.A.


Phil Thornton - Alchemy (1993) @320
Phil Thornton - Alien Encounter (1996) @320
Phil Thornton - Angelic Harmony (2010) @320
Phil Thornton - Between Two Worlds @192
Phil Thornton - Beyond Heavens River (1995) @256
Phil Thornton - Capoeira - Spiritual Vitamins (2002) @VBR
Phil Thornton - Cloud Sculpting (1986) @320
Phil Thornton - Dreamscapes (2001) @320
Phil Thornton - Eastern Moments (2007) @VBR
Phil Thornton - Edge Of Dreams (1986) @192
Phil Thornton - Enchanted Egypt @320
Phil Thornton - Fire Queen (1991) @320
Phil Thornton - Flying (1987) @320
Phil Thornton - Forever Dream (1989) @192
Phil Thornton - Illusions (1996) @VBR
Phil Thornton - Initiation(1993) @320
Phil Thornton - Native American Chants - Spiritual Vitamins (2002) @320
Phil Thornton - Nexus Tribal (2009) @320
Phil Thornton - Pharaoh (1995) @320
Phil Thornton - Rhythm of the Rainforest (2010) @320
Phil Thornton - Shaman (1995) @VBR
Phil Thornton - Solstice (2005) @320
Phil Thornton - Sorcerer - The Mask of Seduction (1996) @320
Phil Thornton - Tibetan Meditation (2005) @320
Phil Thornton - Visions Of Tibet (2013) @320
Phil Thornton & Hossam Ramzy - Eternal Egypt (1996) @320
Phil Thornton & Hossam Ramzy - Immortal Egypt (1998) (2005 - Reissue) @320
Phil Thornton & Hossam Ramzy - Music For Bellydancing (2006) @320
Phil Thornton & Steven Cragg - Tibetan Horn @320
Phil Thornton with Mandragora - While The Green Man Sleeps @320

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