<< WIN Darkstar *2010*
Darkstar *2010*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 9 KB
Website http://www.darkstar.gs/home.htm
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

You awaken inside a cryogenic sleep chamber aboard a drifting starship. You experience most of the drama "first person", through the eyes of Captain John O&#146;Neil. You are physically unharmed, but you suffer from a complete and permanent loss of memory.

You explore the starship to find clues as to who you are and what your mission is. A beautiful woman is still in hibernation. One sleep chamber is empty. A corpse lies with its left hand severed and missing in the final chamber, glass shattered. The ship's computer, Westwick Main assists you, but much of her memory has been deleted by someone unknown.

Your wits are your greatest weapon in this story of suspense and interplanetary intrigue.

Game bestaat uit 2 DVD's:
- sr-darks1 (DVD1)
- sr-darks2 (DVD2)
- sr-dark (NFO)

Gepost in:
- a.b.b4e
- a.b.x

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