<< WIN AEscripts expression Timeline
AEscripts expression Timeline
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 38 KB
Website http://aescripts.com/expression-timeline/
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Post Description

Expression Timeline Compatible with After Effects CS3Compatible with After Effects CS4Compatible with After Effects CS5Compatible with After Effects CS5.5
Version: 1.2 Sign up to be notified by email when a new version of this script is posted

The ExpressionTimeline allows you to apply several expressions to a property such that each expression is active only for a certain period of time. Instead of an abrupt change between the expressions you can also smoothly transition from one expression to the next. Furthermore, you can specify time intervals in which no expression is active such that the keyframed motion is considered.

Some facts

define start and end times for expressions
fade expressions in and out smoothly
create smooth transitions from one expressions to another one
works with arbitrary expressions
allows to combine arbitrarily many expressions

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