<< MAC Plants vs Zombies
Plants vs Zombies
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://popcap.com/games/pvz
Sender Donstil
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Post Description

Plants vs Zombies voor de Mac. 

Get ready to soil your plants in an all-new action-strategy game from PopCap! A mob of fun-loving zombies is about to invade your home, and your only defense is an arsenal of 49 zombie-zapping plants. Use peashooters, wall-nuts, cherry bombs and more to mulchify 26 types of zombies before they can reach your front door.
Each zombie has its own special skills, so you&#146;ll need to think fast and plant faster to combat them all. But be careful how you use your limited supply of greens and seeds&#133; as you battle the fun-dead, obstacles like a setting sun, creeping fog and a swimming pool add to the challenge. And with five game modes to dig into, the fun never dies!

Volledige game met 12% par2 mee gespot.

Letop: deze game werkt alleen op een IntelMac

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