<< Wii Lego Star Wars Exploit (4.3 Softmod) Return of the JODI
Lego Star Wars Exploit (4.3 Softmod) Return of the JODI
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Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 3.36 MB
Website http://hackmii.com/2011/02/return-of-the-jodi/
Sender Nailgun
Tag wiihacksoftmod        
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Post Description

This is the Lego Star Wars exploit known as "Return of the Jodi". This exploit works on all versions of the game (including 1.01) in all regions that are currently known to have a release.Instructions:1. Copy the save to your SD card.2. Put a "boot.elf" (such as the HackMii installer or Homebrew Channel) into the ROOT of your SD card (not into any folder).3. Copy the save to your Wii system, make sure you have a save for this game already on your system, otherwise you won't be able to copy the exploitsave over.4. Start up the game, load the first save slot (on the left, at 0.0%)5. As soon as the level loads, run to the right and you'll see two characters floating. Run to the area in front of them and you'll see "Return of Jodi"show up, press the "A" button on your Wiimote and your boot.elf will run!Credits: Team Twiizers - Original LIJ release, source, savezelda (and many other things).roto - Developing and testing this exploit.lewurm - Cleaning up, fixing bugs, testing.drmr - Awesome banner/icons!Vanzelfsprekend nog wel even de HackMii installer of HBC op het SD kaartje erbij zetten, anders heb je er als nog niets aan!

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