<< FLAC Allan Taylor - Faded Light
Allan Taylor - Faded Light
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De volgende Allan Taylor, volgens mij en vele anderen kan er niet genoeg van deze man langskomen :-)

Dit is een album uit 1995.

Allan Taylor - Faded Light
01 - The Merlin Cafe
02 - The Meadow
03 - Carried on the Wind
04 - One too many Mornings
05 - Libertas Ragusa (Freedom for Dubrovnik)
06 - Come Home safely to me
07 - Let"s go to Paris
08 - Urban Lovesong
09 - Simple Truths
10 - Across the Borderline

Allan Taylor: vocal, guitar.
Barnaby Taylor: Piano
Mike Silver: Vocals and guitar
Maartin Allcock: Bass & bazouki
Chris Leslie: Violin
Dave Townsend: Accordion

All songs written by Allan Taylor except:
"One Too Many Mornings" written by Bob Dylan and "Across the Borderline" written by Cooder, Hiatt and Dickinson

Recording and mixing engineer at Woodworm and Presshouse Studios, Mark Tucker
Mixing engineer at Palladium Studio, John Turner
Cover Design: Simon Wigley
Photograph by Francessco Sorilla

Produced by Allan Taylor

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