<< WIN Men of War: Assault Squad *2011*
Men of War: Assault Squad *2011*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.19 GB
Website http://www.menofwargame.com/assault/
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Post Description

Men of War: Assault Squad takes place across the globe during the height of World War II and features five different armies each with their own unique units, vehicles and abilities. The game also features the unique "direct control" feature which enables players to maneuver units using the directional keys, rather than pointing and clicking. PC Generals can get behind the controls of a tank to smash through obstacles, crush soldiers under its tracks and fire armor-piercing shells at enemy emplacements, or take control of individual soldiers as they fight.

This stand-alone expansion features a completely new cooperative skirmish game mode with access to five different nations (Russia, Germany, USA, Commonwealth and - for the first time ever in the Men of War series - Japan) as well as increased realism and accessibility. The expansion pack will deliver fans and newcomers an intense new WW2 spectacle with almost limitless replayability.

General Features

* Different historical settings and battlegrounds for every nation will ensure that each time players will face a different variety of enemies and tactics.
* Unique hero units for every nation with powerful abilities such as increasing units' firepower, boosting morale or providing other advantages to defeat the enemy against all odds.
* Fantastic bonus abilities such as remote controlled bombs that can flatten entire residential blocks, airstrikes able to destroy incoming tank columns, special "For the Motherland!" charge attacks and many more.
* Improved and dynamic AI ensures that no two games will play out the same way, making each battle a new experience against an AI that really fights back.
* Choose from a variety of scenario locations ranging from Western Europe, to Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Pacific.
* The ability to play this impressive game mode with up to four friends in LAN or cooperative online play.
* New multiplayer maps and game settings
* Improved multiplayer balancing to provide a more authentic use of equipment and vehicles
* Overhauled infantry squads and the ability to buy individual soldiers to suit players' needs
* More realistic weapon behavior and penetration values
* A reworked artillery system that provides innovative assault and defense strategies
* New types of ammunition that increase the depth of tank combat

Gepost in:
- a.b.b4e
- a.b.x

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