<< WIN V-Ray for Cinema 4D With Tutorials
V-Ray for Cinema 4D With Tutorials
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V-Ray for Cinema 4D With Tutorials (2010/ENG) | 1.28 GB
Among modern render VRay programs are most popular. Far from exaggerating we can say that VRay is popular as much
as all the other renderers - mental ray, finalRender and brasil r / s together.
This fact is all the more surprising and remarkable that the algorithm and the core programs were just a few people.
The popularity of this program is most compelling reasons.
First, VRay uses in the calculations advanced computational methods - it was built solely and completely on the basis
of the Monte Carlo. In this respect, perhaps, VRay can be used as a demonstration program for the Monte Carlo method.
But besides that, VRay has a number of interesting innovative technology solutions, providing him an additional
advantage in quality and speed of calculations.

* Speed up Vray Materials previews
* Improved Displacement calculation
* Updated GI presets
* Improved Light Mesh code with better precisions and support for instancing and mograph cloning
* Improved Sun light control in Physical sky, you can now use only the physical sky illumination without a physical sun.
Good for overcast skies or for separating sky and sun to have independent control over both
* Area light now can have bitmap and shader textures now (also rectangular area lights
good to built natural studio lights, light boxes etc)
* Lights now can use shaders instead of light color. You need texture scalings rather big (ca 100-500x)
* Normal export rewritten, also added extra support for objects with negative flipped axis by vray core.
(Mirrored objects with setting axis to -1 will not result on artefacts anymore
no need to use the axis reset tool anymore)
* Shadow color now can be changed in physical Sun light (please note that only black is physical correct though)
* Shadows now can be textured by use of procedual shaders. You need texture scalings rather big (ca 100-500x)
* All C4D Lights can have now physical emitter values, they use a approximations as if they would be very
small area emitters (watt, lumen, etc), for 100% precise Photometric Lights use only Area light though
as in reality are only Area light.
* Material Weight maps now can be used to limit or multilayer Displacement
Video tutorials collections to introduce the user in Vrayforc4d world, a general exploration of render
settings and very powerful vray techniques.

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