<< MP3 Nuova Era - Nuova Era
Nuova Era - Nuova Era
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 910 KB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Nuova+Era+-+Nuova+Era
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Nuova Era - Nuova Era

NUOVA ERA were one of the first in the new wave of Italian progressives and also one of the most highly regarded. They are a symphonic quartet (or a quintet if you count the lyricist on album cover of "Dopo L'Infinito") with a style influenced by the 70's masters but performed with contemporary technology.

For their fourth album "Il Passo Del Soldato", this famous Italian Progressive band confirms its style made from a subtle balance between the influence of the seventies Italian masters (BANCO DEL MUTUO SOCCORSO, PREMIATA FORNERIA MARCONI...)

Release 2011.

Nieuwe/oude opnamen.

Heerlijke pasta prog

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