<< DivX Ice Road Truckers - S06E07 - Hard road ahead.
Ice Road Truckers - S06E07 - Hard road ahead.
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 441.89 MB
Website http://www.history.com
Sender Frank (4VjZLg)                
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Hard Road Ahead.

On Manitoba s Winter Roads, Hugh Rowland and Rick Yemm s season is already on the brink of disaster. But Rick makes a deadly discovery about his truck that puts the rest of his season, and his life, in jeopardy. On the Dempster, Alex risks his life by taking on the challenge of hauling an excavator that s over the safe weight limit of the ice. But on the shifting ice of the Mackenzie River delta, Alex is in a no-win situation when a truck malfunction leaves his trailer in danger of jackknifing, while stopping to fix the problem means falling through the ice. On the Dalton, haul road ace Jack Jessee is missing in action. Darrell, Porkchop, and Austin hammer down to take the lead int he load count. But when Terminal Manager Lane Keator hits the road, drivers will be forced to answer to the boss.

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