<< WinPh Darky''s V7.8 Gingerbread Edition * Samsung Galaxy S * (Complete Pakket)
Darky''s V7.8 Gingerbread Edition * Samsung Galaxy S * (Complete Pakket)
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 571.06 MB
Website http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=814091
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Tag android        
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Post Description

Jammer dat vele mensen darky nu gaan posten. Wat nog beroerder is dat ze mijn handleiding er ook nog bij posten. :)

Maar ik post stug door

Dus bij deze versie 7.8

&#149;Replaced the Gallery for a much better battery life [Setting a Lockscreen Wallpaper won't work with this Gallery, so stop complaining]
&#149;Fixed the battery icon [now displaying when charging]
&#149;Removed GoSMS [install from Market]
&#149;Fixed Icons [GPS etc.]
&#149;Easier Widget Management [AppWidgetPicker]
&#149;Scripts have been rewritten to prevent problems [safer]
&#149;Fixed APN / MMS for Bell Users [port 80, type="*"]
&#149;Fixed MMS for Rogers Users []
&#149;Removed LauncherPro [install from Market]
&#149;Added new Script [automatically cleans the old databases]
&#149;Fixed Bluetooth Issues [fixed databases]
&#149;Removed the "LauncherPro_Backup" [not needed anymore]
&#149;Cleaned up the Installation Process [Update-Script]
&#149;Added Chinese Input [HTC CIME, FC Fixed]
&#149;Changed Standard Notification Sound ["Vega" from the Nexus S]
&#149;Slightly reduced size [repacked ROM]
&#149;New Hybrid / Transparent Dropdown-Bar [by R64]
&#149;New Gingerbread themed TouchWiz Framework [by R64]

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