<< WinPh Nokia N8: Fuzzies (v1.0.0 Retail - S^3)
Nokia N8: Fuzzies (v1.0.0 Retail - S^3)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 40.75 MB
Website http://store.ovi.com/content/60180
Sender Sjoeters
Tag Symbian        
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Post Description

Fuzzies HD

door: Polarbit

Strategie - 19,41 MB

Take command of a bunch of small monkeys and help them reach the exit! If you liked lemmings, you will love this game. Think it through and act carefully, your actions will have serious consequences, sacrifices could be necessary to save the rest.

Gewoon op je telefoon geheugen zetten en openen via de file manager (Menu>Toepassingen>Kantoor>Best.beheer>E:Massageh.>File.sisx) en installeren
of via de ovi suite installeren als telefoon gekoppeld is.

Getest en werkt bij mijn N8-00
s60v5: WERKT NIET!

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