<< PS3 Rogero Manager v8.1
Rogero Manager v8.1
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Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 3
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 6.04 MB
Website http://downloadtutorial.nl/laatste-nieuws/26-playstation-3/1000-rogero-manager-v81
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Post Description

Er is een update verschenen voor Rogero Manager. In deze update zijn vele veranderingen gedaan. Daarnaast zitten er vele bug fixes in. De nieuwe versie zorgt er onder andere voor dat je nu kan kiezen op welke payload je backup moet laden. je kan kiezen uit Sysc36 of PL3.

Daarnaast is het thema van Rogero Manager veranderd en zijn er zitten er vele nieuwe toevoegingen in om spellen beter af te laten spelen. De meeste mogelijkheden had MultiMAN al eerder.

8.1.0 - Supports 2 built-in Payloads: the user can change between Sysc36 & PL3 from the Settings Menu.
8.1.0 - Updated the Payload detection function to supports all known payloads (3.41 & 3.55).
8.1.0 - New [USB Mount] option that enables loading of known "Black Screen Games" from external USB drive.
8.1.0 - [USB Mount] can only be used with CFW 3.55 (3.41 not supported), Split-Games also not supported.
8.1.0 - Optimized the Game Copy function for better/faster operations.
8.1.0 - Fixed the Progress-bar bug that was freezing at 99%, no more freezing.
8.1.0 - New FT Font is used instead of the Debug font, Japanese titles shows fine now.
8.1.0 - Added new D-pad List navigation & L2/R2 scrolling functions to support the new Font.
8.1.0 - Fixed the Delay problem experienced in version 8.0 on Game's Background Image Loading.
8.1.0 - Changed the Auto-fix-permissions to [L1+R3] = Fix_selected_Game Permissions on internal/external HDD.
8.1.0 - Fixed the "Protected Mode" bug that prevented it from saving it's last state on startup.
8.1.0 - Fixed the ScreenSaver bug that triggered it after Game Copy/Delete functions.
8.1.0 - Removed the initial Setup sequence on Startup and used Default settings for faster operation.
8.1.0 - Removed Un-used functions from the Settings Menu for simpler usage.
8.1.0 - Full Games Folders Auto-Detection,no more Games Folder Setup required,it's all Automated.
8.1.0 - Auto-Move of Games folder if found inside an old manager folder is now Optional on First Run.
8.1.0 - PS3 system version is now Auto-Detected on each Startup,not required anymore from Settings.
8.1.0 - BD-ROM Game Dump will be stored now using the Game's Title Name instead of the Game's Title ID.
8.1.0 - Added Grayscale effect for Split-Games in Games List (Will show them in Black/White colors).
8.1.0 - Added a Blurry Background Effect on Games List to allow better Titles/Names readability.
8.1.0 - Game Background Image can be Disabled from Settings Menu to Allow for better themes usage.
8.1.0 - New Theme used,Thanks to Opium2k for his great Themes:Rogero Manager Theme Depository
8.1.0 - Special Thanks to Deank/multiMAN for [USB Mount] support & last minute Graphic Effects.

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