<< Wii We Ski & Snowboard
We Ski & Snowboard
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Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 5 years
Size n/a
Website http://wiispelletjesdownloaden.nl
Sender zon_jeroen
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We Ski & Snowboard goes too far into casual territory and ends up being apathetic. With no structure or goal to reach the game just lays there. Players have no incentive to do anything. It doesn't come close to the exhilarating feeling of playing these sports because the game is slow and the waggle controls are clunky. The balance board has been implemented well, but that's about the only reason to give this sequel a try. Otherwise, it's an exercise in apathy.

Dit spel werkend krijgen op een Wii zonder chip??? Bezoek dan eens de link!!!!

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