<< WIN YooTheme - Zoo 2.0
YooTheme - Zoo 2.0
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://yootheme.com/blog/item/root/zoo-20-final-arrived
Sender Zephyer
Tag YooTheme Joomla        
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Post Description

Application Engine

* Create your own apps
* Create unlimited app instances
* Great looking tab menu to browse the different app instances
* Build your own custom content types
* Large collection of elements to compose your types
* Extendible app parameters
* Content parameters to extend frontpage and categories with content fields
* Content parameters support text, textarea, checkbox, select, radio and image parameters
* Install, uninstall and export apps
* Import and export content from ZOO 2.0, ZOO 1.0 and Joomla
* Frontpage, category, item, comment and tag manager
* Item assignment to multiple categories
* Categories with a multi-level hierarchy and unlimited depth
* Tag system with "Autocompleter" and "Quick edit" functionality
* Sorting your categories using Drag &#145;n Drop
* Joomla plugins are working with all textareas used in ZOO 2.0
* Automatically generated slugs which can be quick edited
* Item priority to support a much more flexible item ordering

Template Engine

* Layouts with element positions to arrange content using Drag "n Drop
* Pre-build layouts for the items like full and teaser layouts
* Search layout to arrange content shown in the search results
* RSS layout to arrange content shown in the RSS feed
* Templates to render elements wrapped with custom HTML code (similar to Joomla modules)
* Global template parameters, which can be adjusted for each category or item
* Global template parameters support any form elements like selectboxes or radio buttons
* Image caching and resizing by width and height
* Templates for the frontpage, categories, alpha index, tag and item view
* Alpha index support for UTF-8 characters
* Alpha index shows categories and items


* Core elements for item name, author, hits, modification date, creation date, categories and tags
* Checkbox element to define your own checkboxes
* Date element has an easy date picker and is repeatable
* E-Mail element which cloakes emails and is repeatable
* Link element supports a custom title, lightboxes and is repeatable
* Radio element to define your own radio buttons
* Select element supports single and multi selection
* Text element to define a simple input field which is repeatable
* Textarea element uses the Joomla editor, supports Joomla plugins and is repeatable
* Download element which supports a download limit and different modes like direct, attachment and protected
* Gallery element supports all features of the YOOgallery module.
* Image element supports auto resizing, lightboxes and is linkable
* Video element supports Flash, Quicktime, Youtube, Vimeo and many more
* Country element offers a selectbox with all countries of the world
* Joomla module element allows displaying Joomla modules on specific item pages
* Related categories element shows links to related categories
* Related item element makes it possible to link to other items and to show their image and more
* Rating element displays a voting with stars
* Social bookmarks element displays links for Twitter, Facebook, Google and to recommend this item via email
* Google Maps element supports all features of the YOOmaps module.
* Addthis, Disqus, Flickr and IntenseDebate element

En.. nog veel meer, klik maar op de link voor alle informatie.
*** Het meest belangrijke zet ik in de openings post. ***

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