<< WinPh Buka HD v2 27 AnDrOiD
Buka HD v2 27 AnDrOiD
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 5.23 MB
Website http://www.appbrain.com/app/net.hexage.buka.hd
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Post Description

Buka HD v2 27 AnDrOiD

BUKA HD is optimized for hi-res devices (eg. Galaxy Tab,Droid,Desire,Nexus,EVO).

BUKA makes stars go boom!

BUKA is a little planet set on a quest to find The Happy Place.

Protect her with powerful explosions and shockwaves you can create with a single touch.

Pocket Gamer - 9/10 - GOLD AWARD
Appgamer.net - 9/10

Recent changes:
NEW Facebook Social Gaming features
- Facebook Single Sign-On support
- Compete on your Facebook leaderboard
- Invite or challenge your Facebook friends
- Share your achievements on your Facebook wall


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