<< WIN Fs2004 Puerto Plata
Fs2004 Puerto Plata
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://secure.simmarket.com/domaero-puerto-plata-all-incl-scenery-mdpp-v2.phtml
Sender mramsterdam
Tag fs2004        
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Post Description

When you arrive in Puerto Plata you will land at the Gregorio Luperón, the international airport located here, which serves the north coast of the country. Built in 1978 it was renovated in 1994 to accommodate the increase in tourism to the island. It has the capacity to receive airplanes such as the Boeing 747, DC-10 and others. During the winter months, the Gregorio Luperón airport receives 150 flights weekly with 47 of them coming from Europe.
Puerto Plata lies in the valley between the Atlantic Coast and the mountain, "Pico Isabel de Torres Mountain"(2,600ft) and has become the fourth largest city on this land with a population of approximately 250,000..
In this scenery package you will have all the important landmarks, resorts and buildings that make out of Puerto Plata a place so unique. It&#146;s international airport fully detailed and most important, up to date in terms of construction modifications. You will have the chance of experimenting and feeling as if you were in the "gold coast" of the Dominican Republic, if you have not been in Puerto Plata, you could consider this as being taken directly there in front of your monitor, and if you have been there, believe us if you had an incredible experience, you will remember it once you set foot in this beautiful place, that makes it a paradise.
This package contains:
All Terminals and buildings in the highest possible detail textures.
Fully animated jetways activated by frequency setting.
Fully animated catering truck at the gate by the same frequency setting as the jetways.
Fully transparent terminal building with a view of the interior objects.
Night textures and night lighting
AFCAD modified file for the entire design of the airport.
All important resorts in the Puerto Plata area
All important historical landmarks, and the Mt. Isabel de Torres
Frame Rate friendly.
Marshaller at every parking position.
And much more

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