<< WinPh MDJ Revolution HD v2.2 Nand android
MDJ Revolution HD v2.2 Nand android
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 182.74 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=MDJ+Revolution+HD+v2.2+Nand+android
Sender robbanaan
Tag AndroidNand        
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Post Description

MDJ revolution V2.2 Nand adroid voor de HTC Leo (HD2)

Android op het flashgeheugen ipv WM 6.5

change log :

v. 2.2:
- Squashed apps & framework for more userspace
- Removed some media stuff
v. 2.1:
- Now for all Leo versions (LEO512 & LEO1024)
- New method (only system.img)
- Newest kernel MDJ S9.1 OC
- Fixed root permissions (Superuser)
- Fixed Market
- Removed some gapps (Talk, Facebook, Twitter, Maps, etc) (you can install it from market)
- Removed some wallpapers
- Removed some themes
- Others fixes/tweaks/changes
v. 2.0:
- Initial NAND release

let op geen ondersteuning , alles eigen risico


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