<< WinPh [ROM] [NL] Darky''s V8.1 Gingerbread Edition * Samsung Galaxy S * (Complete Pakket / Wipe versie / beginners)
[ROM] [NL] Darky''s V8.1 Gingerbread Edition * Samsung Galaxy S * (Complete Pakket / Wipe versie / beginners)
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 343.71 MB
Website http://www.darkyrom.com
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Tag android        
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Post Description

Hierbij de nieuwe verie van Darky 8.1. Bij deze post zit een NL handleiding inbegrepen zodat je makkelijk de rom kan installeren op je telefoon. 


?Replaced Kernel with SpeedMod K12M 500Hz [tested] ?Voodoo Sound [improves sound quality dramatically]
?Louder Sound Output
?Better Battery Life [more improvements]
?Finetuned Auto Brightness
?// Gets brighter faster than stock - outdoors
?// Stays dimmer longer than stock - indoors
?// Brightness levels more evenly spread out
?// Lower Brightness Level possible

?Lagfix still disabled [easier updates & less problems]
?Full BLN Support [ready to use out of the box]

?Switched to Edify Language [more flexibility - thanks nitr8]
?ClockworkMod 3.0 Compatibility [tested]
?Much faster installation due to script optimizations [at least 2x faster]
?Extremely fast boot time with No-Wipe [I had barely 30 seconds on the first boot]
?Rewrote the custom scripts from scratch [more security // more features]
?Slightly changed build.prop [2.2.1]
?Patched Browser [8 windows + fixed graphical glitches]
?Preinstalled Voodoo App to control the Amp [tested]
?New Gingerbread Keyboard [working haptic feedback / vibration and multi-language dictionaries]
?Implemented the Gingerbread Keyboard directly in the system - no need for a manual install [thanks nitr8]
?Added new High Quality Wallpapers [960 x 800 - on your SD-Card]
?Tweaked the theme [fixed some bugs & improved the look] ?New Quick-Icons in the Dropdown-Menu [thanks ock]
?Transparent Dropdown-Menu is darker now [smoked glass]
?Smoked Glass Themed Phone Dialer [thanks ock]
?Fixed Browser Icons // better 'readable' [thanks R64]
?Fixed Media Scanning Text - Contrast [thanks R64]
?Green Colored Settings [NeonGT Theme]
?Added new High Quality Wallpapers [960 x 800 - on your SD-Card]

?New default Wallpaper [City Life]
?New [Darky] Bootanimation [thanks Goldie]

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