<< WinPh Skyfire Browser ( iPhone )
Skyfire Browser ( iPhone )
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 2.47 MB
Website http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id384941497
Sender eekje87
Tag iPhone        
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Let op: ik heb zelf geen iPhone dus ik weet niks van gebruik/installatie. Zie url eventueel voor duidelijkheid.

commented earlier:
Skyfire is the best way to browse your favorite web sites, be in touch via Facebook and Twitter and enjoy millions of videos, including Flash videos! Access the content that matters to you: funny clips, sports and news updates, the video link your friend sent you. In addition, the innovative one-click access to Facebook and Twitter and extensive sharing options makes Skyfire a more social browsing experience

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