<< WIN Fear For Sale The Mystery of McInroy Manor CE (New Updated)
Fear For Sale The Mystery of McInroy Manor CE (New Updated)
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 474.4 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Fear+For+Sale+The+Mystery+of+McInroy+Manor+CE+%28New+Updated%29
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Post Description

Fear For Sale The Mystery of McInroy Manor CE (New Updated)

Story :

Emma Roberts has been tasked with writing a story about an old haunted manor for Fear for Sale Magazine. The estate has been locked up for years, but a sizable donation from Emma&#146;s editor has opened up the home for exploration. Unravel the tale of the demise of the McInroy family, and set their souls free in Fear for Sale &#150; Mystery of McInroy Manor, a dark and mysterious Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game.
The Collector&#146;s Edition includes:
* Bonus gameplay
* In-game Strategy Guide
* Sensational Screensavers
* Wonderful Wallpapers

100 % Par Bestanden Erbij.

Zoals jullie allemaal weten, ik ga naar spotnet, zodat iedereen toch mijn spellen kan blijven downloaden. Berichtjes kun je daar ook achterlaten.
Hoe erg het dan ook voor FTD mag zijn, Life Goes On.

Veel plezier met het spel

Gr. Hennie

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