<< WIN Women's Murder Club - A Darker Shade Of Grey
Women's Murder Club - A Darker Shade Of Grey
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Xplosive-nzb.com+-+James+Patterson
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Tag SandrAs xplosiveNZB        
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Post Description

James Patterson Women''s Murder Club - A Darker Shade Of Grey

An unidentified body is found on a rocky beach&#133; was it an accident, or was it murder? The heroines of Women&#146;s Murder Club are back. This time they must uncover secrets surrounding a recent murder at a prestigious Southern military academy. Investigate each crime scene with a professional eye. Take pictures and samples for examination back to the lab. Solve challenging puzzles and interrogate suspects to reveal the true killer in this thrilling adventure!

*Thrilling new investigations
*Analyze crime scene samples
*25 challenging puzzles await
*Travel to San Francisco to solve the case in James Patterson Women's Murder Club

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