<< ePub U-109 Research - U-Boat-Movements-1939-to-1945
U-109 Research - U-Boat-Movements-1939-to-1945
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voor de liefhebbers van U-Boote :)

en speciaal voor von rondstadd ;)

een beetje Research gedaan rond de U-109:


Only the opening report, for August 15 to September 15,
1939 has been 'tidied up' for ease of reading and
introduction, those following being 'text scans' of the
translated reports and, being 'unedited further',
interrupted by Date, Position, Wind, Weather and Sea
State, Illumination, Events, Time, Air Pressure and
Moonlight etc. 'log book page column headings', these
'page layouts' adhered to by the various translators.
Anyone who might be tempted to continue the scheme of
highlighting and 'tightening up' of the 'raw text' reports should
be prepared set aside some 400 hours of work, around some
three months of their lives, to complete the works initiated here,
the product 'cosmetic' rather than of any much extra
functionality !

U-Boat Movements:
15 August 1939 (Kiel)
1200 Telephone call from Supreme Command of the Navy
(Lieut.(s.g.) Fraesdorf) saying that the officers' party for U-boat
officers was to be on Saturday 19.8 and as many as possible
were to be present. Were there no orders ?
1300 Following steps taken :
1) F.O. U/B informed by telephone.
2) Deputy S.O. of 2nd U-Flotilla, Lieut. Franz, informed.
U-28 / U-29 / U-33 / U-34 can be ready by Saturday.
3) C.O. of U-26 informed of emergency order for North
Sea. Detailed orders received later through S.O.
6th U-Flotilla.
4) 6th U-Flotilla ordered by radio to break off firing
5) U-57 recalled from Pillau, U-47 from Neustadt. U-
48, with S.O. 7th U-Flotilla on board, recalled and
S.O. 7th U-Flotilla informed of the North Sea
emergency exercise. He is making preparations
immediately. U-45/51 will arrive, tonight.
1700 T/P from Supreme Command of the Navy received :
a) 10 U-boats to sail 19.8 (Orders are ready and will be
b) 4 U-boats of the 2nd U-Flotilla are to sail with the
above (Arranged, see 1330).
c) These 4 boats to be replaced by boats of the 5th UFlotilla.
d) Further boats are to be made ready quickly and it is
to be reported when they are ready. Staff officer to
Eckenfoerde to see about U-42.
2240 "Memel" arrived, having been recalled, with 1 G7a (T.N.
air-driven torpedo) and 15 G7e (T.N. electric torpedo) belonging
to 7th U-Flotilla on board to be handed over to boats of the 7th
2300 The question of giving U-58-59 another torpedo practice
with a target ship and 4 torpedo recovery vessels was
considered, but the project was later abandoned as impractical
in view of the general situation.
16 August 1939
0230 S.O. 6th U-Flotilla arrived and was informed of duties and
situation in accordance with "emergency exercise North Sea."
He then left on board U-37 for Wilhelmshaven, with orders for U-
28 / U-29 / U-33 / U-34, to prepare his boats.
1007 Decision by Supreme Command of the Navy: radio
service to begin 0800/19/8 German Summer Time.
1140 Orders received from F.O. Scouting Forces for case WEISS.
1315 Telephone call from Group West, C-in-C Group West wishes
to see F.O. U/B-designate personally.
1400 F.O. U/B returned from leave. Chief of Staff handed over
to F.O. U/B.

Dus alle duikboot manoeuvres :)

Bedankt aan Submariner :)

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