<< WinPh Battle Bears -1 v1.0.5 (AnDroiD)
Battle Bears -1 v1.0.5 (AnDroiD)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 302.31 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Battle+Bears+-1+v1.0.5+%28AnDroiD%29
Sender andrehazes1
Tag Andrehazes1        
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Post Description


Requirements: for Android version 2.2 and higher

Overview: "BATTLE BEARS -1 is a ride that's well worth taking." -TouchArcade
Join OLIVER, RIGGS and WIL on a space odyssey none of them are anywhere close to thrilled to be experiencing. Defend the flagship Ursa Major from an onslaught of confused creatures hewn from the deepest, darkest corners of the cosmos' disturbed imagination.

BATTLE BEARS -1 is an action-packed 3D shooter with massive bosses, heaps of humor, tons of crazy weapons, and no shortage of fluffiness or shooting rainbows.

"BATTLE BEARS -1 is a game that you should NOT pass up on!" -TouchAholics
"Every action fan will want to grab a copy of BATTLE BEARS -1 for its hilarious style and non-stop rainbow-spewing" -AppSpy

HOW TO PLAY - STYLE 1: To Move: Slide LEFT Thumb over Green Joystick. To Look Around: Slide RIGHT Thumb anywhere outside of Red Joystick. To Fire: Use RIGHT Thumb to HOLD DOWN the Red Joystick. Adjust SENSITIVITY SLIDER in Options if needed.

Recent changes:
Improved Asset Downloader

Ik ga stoppen met zo masaal posten...
ik heb nu weer een virus opgelopen door het zoeken naar games en speel zelf geen eens games ... en ik heb elke keer de telefoon vol met zooi...
alleen echt mooie games ga ik nog posten en een verzoekje mag altijd....

sorrry en bedankt!!!

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