<< WinPh Tom Clancy''s Splinter Cell Conviction HD v3.1.6 (AnDroiD)
Tom Clancy''s Splinter Cell Conviction HD v3.1.6 (AnDroiD)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 2.74 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Tom+Clancy%27%27s+Splinter+Cell+Conviction+HD+v3.1.6+%28AnDroiD%29
Sender andrehazes1
Tag Andrehazes1        
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Post Description

Go through 11 levels set in 8 different locations, including a smartphone-exclusive sequence on the Potomac River.
- Experience fully polished 3D graphics with an amazing depth of view.
- The Mark & Execute feature allows you to mark multiple targets then quickly eliminate them all at once.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction HD v3.1.6

- The Last Known Position indicates where your enemies think you are, allowing you to outflank and eliminate them.
- Use a wide range of equipment to get rid of foes. Pistols, sonar goggles and camera grenades are at your disposal!
- Beat your opponents in stunning hand-to-hand combat and interrogate enemies to get crucial information.

Het zou moeten werken op,,,

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