<< WIN NDS + GBA Emulator for Windows
NDS + GBA Emulator for Windows
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 160 KB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=NDS+%2B+GBA+Emulator+for+Windows
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Post Description

NO$GBA is a free Nintendo DS emulator for Microsoft Windows & DOS. It is capable of running commercial and homebrew Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS games, such as Pokémon Diamond which the latest version is able to run at full speed It was considered by many communities the best Nintendo DS emulator due to the fact that it is capable of running most of the commercial games at full speed and without video/audio errors.[1] It is considered by many to be the first Nintendo DS emulator running commercial ROMs,[2] though others state that's already been countered by reports of successful emulation elsewhere.

Als je bij het opstarten van een ROM een foutmelding als deze krijgt: cannot read data o.i.d.
ga dan naar emulation setup en zet
- emulation speed, lcd refresh op realtime/10
- NDS Cartridge BACKup media op FLASH 512Kbytes

Vergeet niet via Options nog op Save Options te klikken.

Niet alle games werken, maar getest met Professor Layton and the Curious Village.

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