<< DivX National Geographic - 100 Years - 024 Of 100 - Giant Pandas The Last Refuge (1994)
National Geographic - 100 Years - 024 Of 100 - Giant Pandas The Last Refuge (1994)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://docuwiki.net/index.php?title=Giant_Pandas:_The_Last_Refuge
Sender Hagenees1978
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Post Description

Deep in the nearly impenetrable forests of the Qin Ling mountains in eastern China, live some of the last remaining giant pandas on Earth. Few westerners have ever observed these irresistible mammals in their natural habitat, closed to foreigners since 1949, and filming there was an almost insurmountable challenge. Giant Pandas: The Last Refuge takes viewers on a fascinating journey into the incredible world of these endangered creatures to witness. 

~54 minuten, Engels gesproken, geen ondertiteling.

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