<< Wii Donkey Kong Original Edition 25th Anniversary Exclusive (2010) Pal VC
Donkey Kong Original Edition 25th Anniversary Exclusive (2010) Pal VC
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Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 12.77 MB
Website http://www.mariowiki.com/Donkey_Kong_Original_Edition
Sender Bomberman
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Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

This is an Exclusive Edition Game that is not able to be downloaded from the Wii Shop.  It was dumped from a PAL 25th Anniversary Edition Red Wii.

Donkey Kong (Original Edition) for the Nintendo Entertainment System!
Finally, we can all enjoy a complete rendition of Donkey Kong! All 4 stages, including the Cement Factory!! It was finally released after over 20 years in limbo as a Virtual Console exclusive for the limited edition Red Wii console, in Europe only!

We have included the extracted .nes file as well with this release.

Japan and Australia got a Super Mario NES romhack with the "?" blocks
changed to "25" for SMB's anniversary.

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