<< WIN Sam Broadcaster 4.2.2
Sam Broadcaster 4.2.2
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
GenreMedia players
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 19.8 MB
Website http://www.spacialaudio.com/?page=sam-broadcaster
Sender JordyB666
Tag Just4funTeam        
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Number of spamreports 1

Post Description

SAM Broadcaster
The best end-to-end radio automation software
Developed specifically for Internet radio stations, this powerful radio automation software has a quality streaming encoder, a large media library... and an unbeatable low cost! Download this radio automation software now and try it for free.

# Crossfader, gap killer, beat matching, volume normalization and 5-band compressor/limiter
# Large media library with easy-to-manage categories
# Advanced streaming encoders (aacPlusv2, MP3, mp3PRO, WM9,Ogg) playing on Winamp, Windows Media Player, Live365, MusicMatch, and more!
# All major streaming servers supported (SHOUTcast, Windows Media,Live365, SteamCast and IceCast)
# Advanced playlist rotation logic and scheduling
# Automated song request feature
# Real-time statistics and performance reporting.

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