<< WinPh X-Plane 9 v9.552 (AnDroiD)
X-Plane 9 v9.552 (AnDroiD)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 34.07 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=X-Plane+9+v9.552+%28AnDroiD%29
Sender andrehazes1
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Post Description

X-Plane 9 v9.552 

Now, on with the show!

X-Plane for Mac, Windows, and Linux is the most flexible and realistic flight simulator on the market for desktop personal computers. Using blade element theory for the most powerful and accurate flight model available for personal computers, and earning FAA certification for logging of flight time for pilots, X-Plane is the Gold Standard for accurate flight simulation, offering realism that is unmatched by any other simulator.

And now, to the power of the iPhone and iPodTouch, X-Plane is available for these stunning little platforms. As in the full desktop version, X-Plane for iPhone lets you experiment with different times of day, weather, sky conditions, wind, turbulence and airplanes, all while flying the craft from various different views, starting in the stunning terrain topography of Innsbruck, Austria, home to some of the most challenging mountains and topography for aviation.

With physics FAR more realistic than you will find in any other 'flying game', this flight SIMULATION lets you enjoy a good handful of amazing airplanes and flying regions. Fly the amazing new Cirrus Jet concept, a single-engine jet that lets any pilot scoot across the sky at Mach 0.5 in his own personal jet transport, the amazingly sleek and sexy Italian Piaggo Avanti, the amazingly sleek and efficient Columbia-400 (owned and flown by the author of this program) or just the good old Cessna-172.

You are given some amazing areas to fly, from the stunning mountains of Innsbruck, Austria, to the airport-rich area of Southern California. Or try your luck over water between islands around Hawaii.

Fly in perfect clear weather, or bring in some turbulence to crank up the challenge-level. Then make it night. Then add some low clouds. Then lower the visibility. Then switch to the instrument panel view and try landing by reference to the instruments... realistic flight instruments are included to let you do everything right up to a FULL ILS TO MINIMUMS! The power of this app far surpasses most anything else out there... can you handle it?

We here at Laminar Research are still a bit shell-shocked at how powerful this little device is, and how much power in flight simulation can be stuffed into it... the power of X-Plane can now be had with you... anywhere.
What's new

Reverse-thrust in the Avanti and King-Air, and low-fuel indications as well when fuel runs low. A number of people did not know why the engines would eventually quit, so the fuel warning should help with that.

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