<< DivX Dinle Neyden a.k.a. Seperations
Dinle Neyden a.k.a. Seperations
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 5 years
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Website http://dinleneydenfilm.com
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The film “Separations” reflects, from a historical perspective, the emotions and thoughts of the of Ottoman governing elite that was searching for accord in East-West relations. 

The story, brought to life with rich characters selected from the Ottoman political and mystical world, is set just before the 1798 Egyptian campaign of General Bonaparte and tells the efforts of the Turkish and French representatives to continue peaceful relations in meetings held in historical locations in Istanbul. Mustafa Nuri Pasha, who is at the center of these efforts, is at the same time a Mevlevi Dede, thus representing the culture and rich intellectual world of the Mevlevihane. Against this historical background a relationship starts to blossom between the Palace physician and a lady’s maid Gülnihal Kalfa.

“Dinle Neyden”, 1798 Osmanli-Fransiz savasinin yaklastigi günlerde, Istanbul’da baris arayan bir avuç insanin çabalariyla, iki genç Saray mensubu arasinda yasanan duygusal iliskinin tanigi olan genç bir Mevlevi Dervisinin mistik dünyasini anlatiyor;

Mevlevihane defterlerini tutmakla görevli Dervis, ayni zamanda eski bir Osmanli Pasasi olan Nuri Dede efendinin hizmetindedir. Dede efendi ve onun eski dostu olan bazi Fransiz diplomatlar yaklasan harbi önlemeye çalismaktadir. Gayriresmi olarak sürdürülen bu çalisma, Sultan III.Selim’in kizkardesi Beyhan Sultan’a ait Sahilsaray’da gerçeklestirilmektedir.

Rahatsizlanan Dede efendiye, diplomatik müzakereler sirasinda eslik eden Saray Tabibi Halil ile Beyhan Sultan’in yardimcisi Gülnihal Kalfa arasinda bir yakinlik yasanmaktadir.

Dede efendiyle birlikte Sahilsaray’a gelen genç Dervisin defteri, tamamina tanik oldugu bu hikaye ile Hz.Mevlana’nin ögretisinden yansiyan satirlarin bir araya geldigi sayfalarla doludur..

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