<< DVD9 Headbangers open air 2008
Headbangers open air 2008
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Damn, this is one of the most impressive DVD&#146;s I&#146;ve ever seen since a very long time. A double DVD that gives a picture of one of the most prestigious Metal feasts in Europe called Headbangers Open Air 2008 edition. For all those who weren&#146;t present, these digital video discs are a true gift from heaven. Be sure I have amused myself completely watching more than 5 hours of pure Heavy Metal mayhem! 

As each and every year, the bill of Headbangers Open Air festival looks impressive to the bone! Old school Metal reigns at the fest, when organizer Juergen Hegewald (also big chief of Hellion Records) search for bands to come over and play, be sure there will be Metal magic breathing down your neck. The edition of 2008 really speaks to my imagination &#150; so many awesome outfits on one bill, GREAT!! Especially the US Metal bands who played back then are very interesting and fulfil my Metal desire entirely!

Bands on the first DVD that impresses me were without a doubt: Deadly Blessing (with new singer Steven Childs), Mortal Sin, Lethal, At War, Wild Dogs, and Détente (with the almighty Ann Boleyn behind the microphone!), Destructor, Axehammer, Beehler. With a massive respect for the other bands&#146; video footages who were excellent too but as many will know by now &#150; my heart longs for US Metal! But I really had a wonderful time watching some pure Metal nostalgia with live acts from legendary Sweet Savage, Praying Mantis, Black Hawk, Picture, Impaler,&#133; too, be sure of that!

The first part of disc 2 reflects a great impression hosted by two amazing guys who know what real Metal is all about&#133; Neudi from Streetclip TV / drummer in Roxxcalibur and Mr. Wild Dogs, Matt McCourt himself talked with the bands appearing on this DVD and believe me, it was pretty fun looking at! Afterwards the festival impressions, there is a superb bonus added&#133; I'm talking about live clips taken from Headbangers Open Air 2007 edition. Damn awesome watching magnificent performances of: Avenger, Grim Reaper, Halloween, Wretch,&#133;

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