<< WIN Ashampoo - Slideshow Studio HD 2 v2 0 4 (2011)-tUsHEngpeng
Ashampoo - Slideshow Studio HD 2 v2 0 4 (2011)-tUsHEngpeng
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 35.1 MB
Website http://www.ashampoo.com/uk/eur/pin/0266/Multimedia_Software/Ashampoo-Slideshow-Studio-HD-2
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
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Post Description

Extracted from your digital camera and copied to the hard drive.there they are now, innumerable photos of parties, family gatherings, child births, class trips, vacations and lots of other occasions.
What are you going to do with all these precious mementos? Leave them to the digital nirvana?

Get Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 2, import your pictures and create a digital slideshow in no time.
Show your slideshow on a TV or beamer projector using a PC, DVD or Blu-ray player or even a PlayStation.
Choose from a huge number of amazing effects for transitions from photo to photo, comment on your pictures by adding texts and add sentimental background music in order toastonish friends, family and acquaintances and that in brilliant HD quality.
Just upload your slideshow to YouTube and show your loved ones or even the whole world the places you went to, the most unforgettable moments or anything that's important to you.

Overview of highlights
Comfortable and easy handling
Spectacular picture transitions, opening and end credits, background music, subtitles etc.
Freely definable effects, panning and zooming (Ken Burns)
Slideshows in HD quality (720p and 1080p)
Output formats: MPEG-1,-2,-4, Facebook compatible format etc.
Direct burning on DVD or Blu-ray Disc
Upload directly to YouTube

--||* Lijkt me een goed progje..vooral voor deze tijd waarin veel gefotografeerd wordt.... *||--

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