<< PS3 Multiman v1.17.00.20110419 164200 BASE - Tweede versie!
Multiman v1.17.00.20110419 164200 BASE - Tweede versie!
Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 3
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 24.58 MB
Website http://www.theplaystationclub.com
Sender ThePlayStationClub (6uvvw)                
Tag MultimanV117        
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DeanK heeft vandaag een 2e release van zijn MultiMAN v1.17.00 uitgebracht, de eerste versie zitten wat bugs in. Ook wordt gemeld dat per volgende release de ondersteuning van CFW van Wutagranza komt te vervallen. Dus dan zal je toch KMEAW CFW moeten installeren. 

* Fixed some issues with L1/R1 in the sub-menu (changing titles)
* Added option to load games from the sub menu with [START] button
* Split games will show with gray pictures and a small warning sign
* Options will be properly re-set if you try to use conflicting settings (like set BD Mirror and Direct Boot or Internal)

* Also included latest SHOWTIME (ver 2.99.284.g4159b.dirty) with added support for Windows-1251 code page for SRT subtitles (cyrillic letters for Bulgarian and Russian users). The provided ISO-8859-5 (Latin/Cyrillic) is probably used by the ISO origanization only

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